Thursday, March 1, 2018

What your HAND says about your PENIS

And it’s not going to be pretty for some men…

That is, if you believe in a good urban legend…

According to a recent Korean research, men whose index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers tend to have bigger dongs in their pants…

(and I dare you to NOT look at your hand after reading this)

The reason?

Apparently the testosterone that we get exposed to while we’re still in the womb controls both penis and finger lengths.

If this is true, then I’m screwed.

The last I checked, my index finger was way longer than my ring finger.

Maybe yours is, too.

And the people I meet every day (and armed with this piece of research) will probably speculate about my member after sizing up my hands.

The truth is, this is not the first time an attempt was made to correlate a man’s body part with the size of his dong.

And some studies have found a correlation between finger length and manhood size, and others have not.

Certainly, you’ll find people with big hands and small members, small hands and big dongs, and every other combination in the real world.

(As certainly you’ll find petite women with enormous boobs, no?)

So take studies like this with a pinch of salt.

What’s important is what YOU do with the size you’re already endowed with. Women love a man with confidence despite his “shortcomings”.

And if you think you could do better with a bigger penis than what Mother Nature has given you? (after all, we know that competence breeds confidence)…

Then this is something you want to check out:

==> How to get a BIGGER size (and skyrocketing stamina to boot!)

You don’t just get a bigger, fuller-sized manhood, but also increased sensitivity and triple your LOADS when you climax.

Seize the day,
